Learning Strategies

Faced with a world that is complex, organizations and individuals have needed to continuously and rapidly evolve in order to adapt. This is nothing new, however, the response to the challenge has often been to  do more of the same or try something new without really understanding if and why it worked or did not work.  If individuals and organizations are to meet this challenge, they must become intentional about their learning.   This means that they must overcome various structural and psychological obstacles, such as  changing goals, identity threats, conflict and cognitive entrenchment that can become defensive routines.  Some emerging approaches for better supporting learning include shifting organizational designs that enable continual renewal and the development of complex causal reasoning. In this environment, learning is everyone’s job. And as studies suggest, almost 70% of professional knowledge is gained through everyday, informal interactions in the workplace rather than through formal training programs (Center for Workforce Development, 1998). LINC Associates can help you craft a learning strategy that addresses current needs and can evolve based on future demands.